Sunday, January 26, 2020

Comparison Of Environment Between India And Bhutan Environmental Sciences Essay

Comparison Of Environment Between India And Bhutan Environmental Sciences Essay The world is challenged by many environmental issues. Keeping in mind its pros and cons many countries around the world are adopting different methods to combat those issues. With rapidly changing world, it has its own desires to accomplish .Once a peaceful place, now with economic development it has changed a lot. Even rural areas have moved from a stone age to a modern one. The pollution from these modern facilities has highly degraded the pristine environment and thus contributing significantly in global warming. In order to become rich over night, the people from rural areas do carry out poaching activities such as killing of wild boar, tigers, rein, deer ,bears and other endangered species, thus again degrading the environment due to unbalanced natural lifestyle which directly contributes to areas become barren, water sources getting dried and these factors directly contributes to high investment plan in saving both planet earth and human life. With so many economic activities and peoples undying desire to make wealth has resulted in some serious environment concerns. Never the less, as a saying goes necessity is the mother of invention.The economic development activities should take place with sound ecological knowledge. Now with lots of awareness programs on environment conservation being conducted by Royal Government of Bhutan, the people from different districts has geared towards saving the planet earth in their own small ways by doing lots of mitigation works to restore the greenery and go green once again. SOME OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN BHUTAN Some of the major environmental issues in Bhutan are Deforestation as People in Bhutan are mostly farmers and illiterate who earn their living through agricultural products. Illegal logging of timber has been popular and it is also the part of black marketing for those products. In order to make more room for agricultural works, forests are being felled. Trees are being out for timbers which are sold at double the price. In the wake of these activities, wild life forced to survive in increasingly fragmented spaces around Bhutan. This has lead to loss of biodiversity and degradation of ecological services. Vast areas of forest in Bhutan is destructed for agricultural practices and exploited for products like wood, timber without planting new growth. This is a serious issue which has to be looked upon in Bhutan (CBD, 2002). Due to deforestation, mainly cutting beyond limits for fuel extraction has resulted major land degradation and soil erosions in Bhutan. It is a manmade as well as natural phenomenon .The total area under forest is 72.5% of the country and the cultivated area is only 7.8 %( CSO).There has been also case of minor forest fire caused by the people. With the modern agricultural practice, people in rural areas has cautiously adopted the method of using excess chemical fertilizers and use of heavy equipments such as power tiller which eventually resulted in decline capability to produce agricultural products. Air pollution is defined as undesirable change in physical or biological characteristics of air, water and land brought about by mans activities that may harmfully affect living organisms and other resources. Air pollution resulted in declined crop output and developed concerns about public health. The number of industries are increasing and as a result the GDP has gone up from 0.01% in 1982 to3.2% in1992(MoP 1996).The sources of air pollution are burning of fossils fuels, automobiles, industries like the fertilizer plants, thermal plants, textile industries and steel plants as shown in figure 1. 2. Water pollution is a major problem associated with the developing countries.The major pollutants are the organic matter of the sewer, metallic substances and other inorganic chemicals from the industries, hot water, oil, inorganic fertilizers and pesticides as shown in figure 1.1. Fig1.1Fig1.2 Left: Water pollution.Right: Air pollution. Waste disposal is an emerging problem in Bhutan especially in urban areas such as in Thimphu, Phuentsholing, Gelephu and Bumthang. In the absence of improperly disposed of vacant land. All of these are serious health hazard apart from being eyesores. They boost numbers of insects vector like flies. Mosquitoes, scavengers such as stray dogs, pigs and rats which spread dangerous diseases. The wastes can be classified into: A=Biodegradable-The biodegradable wastes are those that can be decomposed. For example, kitchen wastes, animal dung, etc. B=Non-biodegradable-The non-biodegradable wastes are those that cannot be decomposed and remain as such in the environment. For example, plastics, nuclear wastes, glass, etc. Over grazing is one of the main issues in rural areas as raising cattle and other domestic animals have contributed to livelihood of many people. Usually people in rural areas have access to all sorts of facilities but keep animals at the backyard of our homes is very natural. These habits of keeping animals have resulted in plant material faster than it naturally grows. This had lead permanent loss of plant cover. Poaching has been practiced a long time back during the times of my grandparents and still this modern day such act lives alive. It is a fast way to earn lump sum amount and since most of people in rural areas are uneducated, they do not know the consequences of such practices. So many wild animals have been killed mainly to export their skin and bones which fetch high prize in the market. Stories of killing endangered species such as tigers, leopards had been recorded. Example: people in my village have killed two bears, a tiger and a wild boar for the reason associated with destruction of their crops and domestic animals. SOLUTIONS TO COMBAT THOSE ISSUES The mother earth is so kind. We are gifted with every necessity. For economic growth, different countries set up factories and technology which caused great deal of pollution. The rapidly changing world has many environmental issues to be combated. To do so, some solutions are laid below. People should be showed with the knowledge of converting a bare agricultural space by planting trees for their own good. For every one tree they cut, two trees should be planted. Farmers should be taught the right ways to plant trees. Planting trees around homes will be good for self. Planting trees are healthy activities as it will conserve soil, water and air pollution. It will create conditions more conducive to flora and fauna. Then our country look so beautiful and peaceful with all different kinds of trees ,flowers, wild animals,etc.and it will lead to increase in income or revenue for the economy for the economy as many tourists will visit our country. So it should be encouraged in the urban as well as in rural. Control of water pollution is mainly by sewage treatment, effluent treatment and public awareness by not letting them to dump sewage or garbage into the river and air pollution can be controlled by reducing number of factories, industries and vechiles.Air pollution can be controlled by methods depending on the source and the pollutant. Some of the methods used are good quality fuel, vehicles running on alternate sources of energy and using solar cookers or bio gas, planting of trees that remove the pollutinggases and clean the atmosphere and creating public awareness about the effects of air pollution. Soil or land conservation is of the important environmental problems in Bhutan that should be looked upon. People should be discouraged from using chemical fertilizers. Instead they can be inspired to use natural fertilizers. Use of heavy equipments can be also discouraged, so that soil retains its fertility as shown in figure 1.3and 1.4 Fig.1.3Fig.1.4 Left: Soil conservation.Right:Soil erosion. Poaching can be stopped by not demanding poached goods. Local leaders can be involved with programs that support and conserve animals. Boundaries should be identified to build parks for those animals so, that species are free from man. Local leaders take the initiatives or measures to protect animals that fall under endangered species. Migration from rural to urban areas can be controlled and solved by developing and bringing changes in rural areas. Government should provide better facilities such as health, education, safe drinking water and on top of that by providing job opportunities thus removing poverty, inequality and unemployment. Then people in rural areas will not migrate to urban areas. Waste management can be controlled by disposing in right disposal areas and places. It can be controlled by collecting or storing waste and transporting them for recycle. It can be controlled by showing different programs like malaria, skin diseases, water borne diseases etc.So that people will aware of those diseases and they will not throw their wastes where ever they like. The main strategy of Nature Conservation Division is to conserve ecosystem but the people and its socio economic development is equally important. People of Bhutan have been interacting with nature for many years and is viewed important to respect their right and aspirations. However for any major development interventation, the effect on biodiversity and protected areas should be carefully assessed. Therefore all development projects within the protected areas buffers on and biological corridor should be given higher priority for environment impact assessment, as is introduced by National Environmental Conservation. Adaption management is more focus on flexibility of plans to adjust to changing circumstances and insights. It is usually based on circular management process and allows the information about the past and to improve the management in the future .This kind of approach is favorable due to complex ecosystem and their interaction with the people for its uncertainty .The strategic plans of Nature Conservation Division is not fixed rather dynamic to meet the new opportunities and immediate needs, for flexible budgeting and rapid disburse not procedure. Almost all the protected areas in Bhutan are inhibited by people. The NCDs (Nature Conservation Divisions) strategy to pressure the environment is through involvement of different sectors of government and particularly the local people .Local knowledge and tradition is very important tool to tackle the forces that destroy the environment. Since the beginning of development planning in the 1960s, Bhutan has placed environmental conservation as the main concern while developing policies for socio-economic development (RGoB, 2002; Wangchuk, 2006). The Forest and Nature Conservation Act of Bhutan 1995 has given more importance in the active involvement of rural communities in forestry activities. It brought about major changes in forest management by paving the way for community and private forestry (CF, PF) for the benefit of rural communities. The community forest was established in Bhutan initially to conserve the environment as government realized the importance of local participation in the conservation. (Chhetri, Schmidt Gilmour, 2009). Before the introduction of community forest in Bhutan, people were not concerned and responsible about the forest and the natural resources it provided. As the development taking place rapidly in the country, there was growing pressure on the natural environment because of increase in demand of raw materials for construction especially wood beside stone, sand and other natural resources. There was support and cooperation from local people and became latter as effective poverty reduction methods. The people at the local level benefited from the ecosystem goods as they could not only consume for themselves but also could sell and earn income as a result they realize the importance of preservation of it. Therefore, community forest became popular and spread to all parts of the country. When the forest was a national property, people were not concerned and everybody wanted to extract as much benefit as they could without eco-friendly methods but when the forest was converted into community forest thereby entrusting responsibility and authority to people themselves, people began to know its benefits and started conserving it and now its successfully working in Bhutan. Example: Tshaphel community forest in Haa had ever harvested even a single timber from their community forest, in October 2011, they sold 3068.86cft of timber to the sawmill owners in Haa and earned a total sum of Nu.361, 731.43. The 33 households of the village earned a net profit of Nu.116, 796.92(Namgyal, Jan 11 2012). National Environmental Protection of Bhutan was launched in 2007 as environment has always been at the center of development concept in Bhutan. As we all know that environmental protection is one of the key pillars of Gross National Happiness. Poaching and hunting was prohibited and now people have minimized poaching and hunting. The forest official should submit their annual report to the department of forest. Illegal cutting of trees is prohibited and therefore charged higher than government penalties. Comparison of environment between India and Bhutan. The total population of Bhutan was 725940.00 in 2010 and 2011(The world bank) where as in India it was estimated 1.21 billion in April 1st, 2011.Due to more population in India the number of vehicles are increasing which lead to more pollution such as air, noise and water pollution and there are more waste compared to Bhutan. In India people are cutting down too many trees in order to establish an industries and factories which lead to deforestation and pollution. As a result they have no fresh water to drink and fresh air to breath. In Bhutan people are more into conservation and protection of the forest. Almost 69.1% of Bhutan is covered with forest (U.N.FAO) where as in India forest coverage is very less. CONCLUSION Today, with increased in modern facilities has highly degraded the pristine environment. Sea levels have risen, temperature is increasing and we do not get fresh water to drink. Air around are not safe to breath and there are so many issues that has made our mother earth irresistible. Global warming is the biggest concern. We are destroying homes for the animals. It is seen and heard that our mother is very dirty. We cannot be so harsh on our mother earth. We are being so unkind and doing nothing for our future generation. Nothing is impossible Yes we can do it. We can protect and preserve our environment. It is time that we join our hands and combats all the environmental issues such as deforestation, forest fire, global warming, waste management, pollution, over grazing, poaching, etc.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Native American Essay

â€Å"During the second half of the 19th century, the United States Government took all appropriate actions to maintain peace with Native American tribes. Furthermore the United States was justified in its aggressive measures used to seize land from unruly Native American tribes during the era. † There little validity in this statement. During this time period American troops were interloping on Native American territory, starting violence, and forcing them out of their homes. The hostility of American Soldiers toward these people led to several tragedies, such as the Sand Creek Massacre, The Battle of Little Bighorn, and The Battle at Wounded Knee. It can be observed that the United States was clearly not, in any way, shape, or form, attempting to maintain peace. Insensitivities on behalf of the United States led to several tragedies, the Sand Creek Massacre being a major event. On November 29, 1864, General John Chivington ordered troops to attack Chief Black Kettle and his people, after the chief and his people did everything in their power to keep peace between the opposing sides. To top it all off, most of the warriors in this tribe were off hunting buffalo, and the tribe was left undefended. Between seventy and eighty Natives were killed. The fighting didn’t end there. Several years later, on December 29, 1890, a great disaster occurred at nearby Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota. James W. Forsyth and his men massacred the people of Chief Spotted Elk. Around 300 casualties were suffered. The Natives, however, hadn’t always suffered such devastating losses. Between the Sand Creek Massacre and Wounded Knee, at the Battle of Little Bighorn, Colonel George Custer was one of the leaders of the American soldiers who attacked Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, and their people. On June 25-26, 1876, American Soldiers fought the Lakota, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes, suffering a severe loss. Although it may seem as though the Native Americans were ruthless savages, this proves how persistent they were and their ability to overcome. The persistence of these people was also proven by a single man. In 1876, the United States Government was beginning to force Chiricahua from their reservation in New Mexico. A man named Geronimo fueled the fire of the Native Americans against the American forces. Over a period of ten years, Geronimo aided his people in many raids on white settlements, to prove their unwillingness to leave their home. Geronimo may have surrendered, but his bravery Although many may view these as acts of violence, in reality, US Soldiers were no better. The slaughter and removal of hundreds of Native Americans caused them to react in such a violent way. In other words, America brought this upon itself. The Dawes Act was a set of laws enacted to assist Native Americans in their land disputes with American settlers. These laws gave the president the right to survey Indian land and distribute it to individual Natives. The Dawes Act was detrimental to Native Americans because those who weren’t awarded land became homeless, unlike the previous tribal community they had lived in, where every person had shelter, but no single person owned the land. The president also had the right to purchase land he had allotted to be used for white settlers. Assimilation also played a large role in whether Natives would be forced out of their homes. If the Natives would â€Å"Americanize† (so to speak) everything about their lifestyle, they would be permitted to stay on US soil. In conclusion, it can be observed that Native Americans were truly the victim in this situation. They were slaughtered mercilessly, forced out of their homes, made to change their lifestyles, and even considered to be the cause of the violence. Any person who claims Native Americans during this time period as savage murderers would be completely incorrect. These people were merely reacting out of defense and retaliation for what Americans had done to them. Americans frequently like to believe that the US is always justified in what they are doing; they are always the good guy. In this case Americans stooped to a low level to suggest that Indians were to blame for the violence.

Friday, January 10, 2020

What Everyone Is Saying About How to Create a Research Paper Outline Is Wrong and Why

What Everyone Is Saying About How to Create a Research Paper Outline Is Wrong and Why It is possible to expect us to meet all the essential deadlines. The principles of composing Essay Papers you shall have the capacity to study from opening instantly Some documents ought to be difficult to compose. An outline is going to be a reminder for you to include all the essential subtleties in it. An outline is extremely flexible and there's no standard and limiting format that will deter you from creating it the direction you want. If you order from us, you can secure a draft of your paper to make certain your writer is heading in the correct direction. A superb guide is roughly two paragraphs per page. Thus, the topic will be an extremely important point to concentrate on before writing the outline. When you've already decided what topic you are going to be writing about, the following thing you ought to pay attention to is the reach of your paper or what you are going to be incl uding in your discussion. A paper written at your request from our site grants you the choice to get all the information and research outcome, which means you won't need to devote time investigating it yourself. Order custom written research papers for the most inexpensive price on the market at our on-line business and you will reach your primary goal to acquire the maximum mark for the job. For a lengthier paper, it is crucial, or you will get overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information that you have to assimilate, and write down. Our on-line research paper service works especially as a way to satisfy the demands of our clients. The Debate Over How to Create a Research Paper Outline Make certain to use proper in-text citations and reference a sample paper when you have to. As stated earlier here are a few sample outlines for research papers. The true value of creating an annotated bibliography is that it permits you to know every time a source is merely waste or actuall y practical for your paper. An outline is a superb aid whenever you are attempting to amalgamate and assess the research paper, since it permits you to see certain links between different places, whilst making sure you don't repeat yourself. For research papers, it may help you keep track of large amounts of information. It is important for all types of research papers. Developing a very good outline is important in a more composing of your research paper. An outline is intended to help you set a structure for a paper you are likely to write. Your outline needs to be based on a great topic. Additionally, among the critical purposes of an outline is to clearly convey the relation between the thesis and every one of the topic sentences. There are various purposes for writing an informative outline, therefore there are many different types of informative outlines. A good deal of planning ought to visit an essay before getting started producing it. You've come to the correct location. Once it's complete, the remainder of the paper is not hard to write because all the leg work is already done. Every sort of material used in the newspaper demands a particular sort of structure. Most Noticeable How to Create a Research Paper Outline Therefore, if you prefer to compose a very good research paper, you need to do some opportunity to preparations, especially if you don't have much expertise in academic writing. After the important text, then it's important to include matters like a remarkable end product. The process is quite easy. With this kind of a smooth and straightforward procedure, you aren't likely to get to be concerned about whether it is going to get done and whether it'll be useful. For extended papers, there's no harm in showing your outline to your supervisor early on in the process, since they will have the ability to let you know whether you're going in the proper direction. Some are simply unable to create the effort. You have to have the ability to rate where protracted information is important, and where you've got to be crisp. There are more than a few reasons, but generally, it could possibly be useful to make an outline if you want to demonstrate the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information. Whispered How to Create a Research Paper Outline Secrets Naturally, the ideal means is to order an essay online. If you realize that you are having difficulty in writing an expert essay, your very best choice is to find a customized research papers on You know somewhat about what on the internet essay writers do, there are an array of essential explanations for why you'll need to just trust experienced academic authors to supply you with an adequate paper.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Emily Dickinson Essay - 821 Words

cember 2012 Emily Dickinsons original approach to poetry results in startling and thought-provoking moments in her work Give your response to the poetry of Emily Dickinson in the light of this statement. Support your points with suitable reference to her poems. Emily DIckinson is a wonderful, idiosyncratic poet, whos original and powerful poetry is marked by startling and thought-provoking moments, defining Dickinsons poetry. Dickinson describes in shocking detail, moments of utter elation, as demonstrated in I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed, and I Could Bring You Jewels. We see moments of depression and drastic desparation in I Felt a Funeral in My Brain, and I Heard a Fly Buzz. Even these titles give evidence of†¦show more content†¦The most astonishing example of startling and thought-provoking moments of Dickinsons poetry comes in The Sould Has Bandaged Moments, where the poets two extremes of human emotion are dealt with in one poem; despair and joy. She opens with harsh moments of lonliness and grief - With long fingers - caress her freezing hair. The ‘soul’, or spirit, is portrayed as wounded, damaged, needing to be wrapped in self-protective and restraining bandages, when the grotesque parody of love comes to prey on her. Sip, Goblin, from the very lips The Lover – hovered – o’er - Through immediate fluidity Dickinsons poem reaches ecstacy The soul has moments of Escape- A full spectrum of emotion is observed here in its urgency. I think the most thought-provoking moment of the peice comes in the final enslavement of the poets spirit. When, Felon led along, with shackles on the plummed feet. She explain in so few words that the recapture of the spirit is more painful after a taste of freedom. I think it is clear through the exploration of Dickinsons astounding, unconventional poetry that there are indeed startling moments and examples of thought-prokoving content. I think Dickinson is exceptionaly powerful in concretising and in communicating her personal and psychological feelings through her blatant language and structural study of theShow MoreRelatedEssay On Emily Dickinson1034 Words   |  5 Pagespeople didn’t remember Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was a talented poet who used her previously devastating personal experiences to enhance her poems. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10th, 1830 to Edward and Emily Dickinson in Amherst, Massachusetts. In the year 1833, her little sister Lavinia was born into the family. During February of 1852, A Valentine was published in the Springfield Republican. That was one of the first poems that she had written. Emily Dickinson was an amazing poetRead More Emily Dickinson Essay example1583 Words   |  7 Pages Emily Dickinson, recognized as one of the greatest American poets of the nineteenth century, was born December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts (Benfey, 1). 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